Back in October 2020, Mahoning County Sheriff Jerry Greene, a resident of Boardman, has been tapped to receive CARES Award recognizing frontline workers and leaders who have dedicated their time and expertise to support and serve Ohioans impacted by opioid and other drug addiction.
Sheriff Greene was selected to receive the recognition from the Ohio Association of County Behavioral Health Authorities “The CARES Awards are presented to those who demonstrate true compassion along with those who are leading efforts to find new and innovative ways to help address this epidemic and discovering ways to help individuals move toward recovery,” said Cheri L. Walter, CEO of the Ohio Association of County Behavioral Health Authorities.
Sheriff Greene was nominated for the award by the Mahoning County Mental Health and Recovery Board.
Some of Sheriff Greene’s accomplishments include:
All Mahoning County deputies attend mental health first aid training.
Sheriff Greene has fully supported the County’s Quick Response Team (QRT) that is instrumental in reaching drug users who experience a non-fatal overdose. The QRT team members will approach the overdose victim in the emergency department, and then visit the person within the 72 hour time frame to increase the likelihood of the drug user entering treatment.
Sheriff Greene is also part of the MCMHRB suicide prevention community awareness campaign targeting men.
“The partnership between The Mahoning County Mental Health and Recovery Board and The Mahoning County Sheriff’s department is a true example of outstanding cooperation and team work, and is a true benefit to the residents of Mahoning County ” said Duane Piccirilli, executive director of the Mahoning County Mental Health and Recovery Board
This article was republished here with permission from the Boardman News.