World Spay Day
February 27, 2028

World Spay Day annually aims to decrease stray pet populations by increasing awareness of the importance of spaying and neutering programs. Around the world, a variety of effective programs reduce stray populations. These programs target both strays in neighborhoods and in shelters.
Through education, spay and neuter programs in shelters raise awareness prior to the adoption of cats and dogs. In neighborhood programs, spay and neuter programs effectively reduce stray populations over the long term with the help of the community. These types of programs are especially effective where feral cat populations exist. Since feral cats cannot be domesticated, spaying and neutering in the communities where they live to offer the most humane way to reduce the population.
Other programs may be offered through veterinarian clinics and communities, too. The observance offers an opportunity for programs to highlight the benefits of spaying and neutering and increase support for their individual programs.
- Support a spay and neuter program in your area.
- Host a fundraiser or approach your community leaders to create a program in your town.
- Learn more about the importance of spaying and neutering.
- Ask your veterinarian questions or volunteer at your local shelter.
- Use #SpayDayUSA to post on social media.
Doris Day Animal League founded Spay Day USA in 1994 to bring attention to the pet overpopulation problem in the United States and encourage animal population control by neutering pets. The movement later spread globally and is now known as World Spay Day.