National Worship of Tools Day
March 11

March 11th is National Worship of Tools Day. This is a day to go out into the garage, the tool shed, the storage closet, or wherever it is you keep your tools. You can clean them, reorganize them, make something new with them or maybe go to the store and buy a new one.
It is hard to imagine the world without tools as they are a part of our daily lives. From the hammer, the screwdriver, and the wrench to the most sophisticated tools, they are necessary. Upon their use, they sometimes get rusty and need to be shined, they get dirty and need to be cleaned, they get dull and need to be sharpened.
Tool enthusiasts know a good tool when they see one. Often, they have a favorite brand or style. And they never seem to have enough, either. Collecting them is nearly as important as using them. Another common discussion about tools is the borrowing of tools. From one neighbor to another, tools have been loaned, borrowed, and returned numerous times. The funny papers and the sitcoms humorously remind us of this from time to time. And sometimes, so do our neighbors.
- Spend some extra time shining up your tools or fixing them if they needed it. Taking care of your tools helps them last longer, which is a benefit for you.
- Go shopping for new tools. You know there must be one you don’t have.
- Get to work on your latest project and put your tools to work!
- Use #WorshipOfToolsDay to post on social media.