Each week, #SpanningtheNeed will present an “Inspirational Person of the Week’ and have a “Q & A” with one of its many gifted individuals and/or groups who are willing to go out of their own way to help others. This week’s featured is Heather Fronk from Clothed in Strength.
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Name: Heather Fronk
Position: President
Organization Clothed In Strength
Heather is the CEO & President of Clothed In Strength, a 501 c3 whose mission is to bridge the gap between financial freedom and government assistance for low to moderate income single mothers. She is a native South Carolinian and a graduate of Youngstown State University. Heather is no stranger to the nonprofit world. During her 15-year career in corporate banking, she served on the board of Junior Achievement, Rotary Club of Austintown and a spokesperson for Dream Catchers of Mahoning Valley. She has served with various organizations across the Mahoning Valley and state of Ohio such as Salvation Army, United Way, Rescue Mission, Hope Foundation, Operation Warm, Second Harvest Food Bank & more.
Empowering women is a passion of Heathers. As a former Mrs. Ohio America 2016, her whole mission was helping women across the state realize their worth and help them learn how to step into their own greatness through the gifts God has given them. She was able to continue with this mission as the director of the Mrs. Ohio America circuit from 2017-2022.
Heather launched Clothed In Strength in March of 2023. Her greatest prayer through the mission is for every woman to feel the love of Jesus when they walk through the doors, meet them right where they are and realize what a masterpiece they are. Heather resides in Poland with her husband of 13 years, Steve, has 2 daughters, Taylor & Brooklyn and the sweetest labradoodle, Harley.
What made you want to go into this field?
Having been a single mother myself, I wanted to create something to be what I needed during that season in my life. I worked full time, went to school full time, and while I didn’t make a lot of money, I made ‘too much’ to qualify for government assistance.
What’s the biggest factor that has helped you be successful?
The biggest factor in my success has definitely been my faith and God’s faithfulness for this mission. There have been doors opened and support given that there is no other explanation except for God’s favor. He has also given me a great gift of drive and going all in with my heart, which I have poured so greatly into our mission.
What is the biggest professional mistake you made along the way?
Wanting to help everyone. You hear ‘when you help everyone, you help no one’. I have had to stay true to our mission and ensuring that we are helping only single mothers in the Valley and surrounding areas. Thankfully there are many great organizations for traditional families and single fathers that I’ve been able to refer to.
What is the hardest decision you ever had to make in this field?
Honestly, the hardest decision was to launch. We created CIS in Nov of 22 and didn’t launch until March of 23. You keep waiting for the ‘right’ time and one day, I felt it on my heart to announce this dream of mine.
If you could start all over again, what would you do differently regarding your profession?
My journey to launching Clothed In Strength came after a 15 year career in banking, ending in corporate banking. I sat on many nonprofit boards over the years and my husband actually said, if you ever leave the bank, I can see you in the nonprofit world. We launched 3 years after I left the bank. If I could do anything differently, I would probably launch CIS sooner, as I’ve never felt more authentically me. I know this is where God wanted me and I’m so thankful for His timing in how everything worked out.
What inspires you to do good in our community?
There is so much need in our backyards. Children and families that don’t have beds, mothers with no support, abuse, food insecurity…even in the most affluent areas. I may not be able to help everyone, but I work my hardest to reach as many people as I can!
What do you enjoy most about volunteering in our community?
You truly experience and see first hand the need in our community and the direct way a small gesture of helping, goes so far during a season of need for the people we serve. What may seem small to us, can be life changing to that individual. Being on the other side of domestic violence, living pay check to pay check and just the hard, it’s the least I can do to give back and be who I needed during that season.
What song best describes you or is the soundtrack to your life?
Gratitude by Brandon Lake
What is your best accomplishment/experience in life?
My greatest accomplishment is my marriage and family. They are the heart beat of why I do what I do. Showing them how we can give our God given gifts to benefit the lives of others, showing them the light in what can be a dark world at times, and just being the very best mother and wife I can be is my greatest blessing.
Who is your role model and Why?
I’m so inspired by many people. I love surrounding myself by people with different skill sets and gifts than me and I’m always in awe how we are better together. My grandma Cordell is forever my greatest role model. She passed when I was 16, but her impact in my life is substantial. She was the kindest, most God loving, beautiful person I’ve ever known. She taught me the purest form of kindness grace and unconditional love.
If there was one person that you would like to meet, past or present and why?
Princess Diana. She was a chain breaker within the royal family as far as her servants heart, truly engulfing herself in this world of need and giving of herself.
A favorite quote that you live by?
Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain.