Extreme Value Retailer Raises Funds for Children’s Hospitals Across 29 States
Last year, Ollie’s Bargain Outlet, Inc., America’s largest closeout retailer, partnered with Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals (CMN Hospitals) and raised more than $600,000 through an in-store fundraising campaign, which ran from June 11th through July 8th of last year. Our 480 participating stores in 29 states collected these donations, which will benefit 88 local member hospitals in communities Ollie’s serves, according to a release.
Ollie’s Raises Funds for Children’s Hospitals Across 29 StatesTweet this

The release went on to say, “We have been in business for more than 40 years and giving back to kids in the communities we serve is an integral part of our core values,” said John Swygert, President and Chief Executive Officer. “This year, we are thrilled to have helped more hospitals than ever, thanks to the hard work of our associates and generous donations from our customers to help children with medical needs.”
Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals raises funds for 170 children’s hospitals across the U.S. and Canada, helping every child receive the best possible care. Whether investing in research, training the next generation of doctors and nurses, or offering families peace of mind, these funds are used where they are needed most.
“Dedicated partners like Ollie’s are critical to helping kids get the best possible care, no matter life’s circumstances,” said Teri Nestel, President and CEO of Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. “For more than a decade, Ollie’s employees and customers have rallied around our cause and made a real and lasting impact on the communities in which they operate, and we couldn’t be more grateful for their support.”