National Funeral Director and Mortician Recognition Day
March 11, 2027
National Funeral Director and Mortician Recognition Day on March 11th reminds us to thank the professionals who consider every need during the most challenging time in our lives.
Funeral directors and morticians dedicate their lives to helping us celebrate our loved ones. They bring together the memories and achievements of someone we’ve lost to death. With professional guidance and compassion, funeral directors help with every step of planning a funeral. While the news settles, these experts understand how emotional and stressful the process is.
Funeral directors come equipped with a perfect skillset. Their compassion and excellent organizational skills guide us through a celebration of someone we loved dearly. In addition, being a funeral director means being a good listener, a skill many of them have in spades.
They work hard to attain their skills, too. Both morticians and funeral directors study mortuary science, attaining an associate degree or higher. A 1-3 year apprenticeship follows their degree. Funeral directors must be licensed.
Beyond their training, funeral directors know how to put people at ease. When we grieve, the pain of loss takes on many different faces. Funeral directors act as guides and help to fulfill the wishes of our loved ones. When the pain and suffering ends, the mortician and funeral director provide a sense of peace and unity at a time that can seem chaotic even at its best.HOW TO OBSERVE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND MORTICIAN RECOGNITION
Thank a funeral director or a mortician for their time and care. Show your appreciation of their services and recognize the work they do in one of several ways:
Send a thank you card letting them know how much their services mean to you.
Recommend their services to others.
Preplan your funeral. Put your funeral in the hands of the business that has proven to you they can care for your family.
Share your experiences as a funeral director or mortician.
Use #FuneralDirectorMorticianRecognition to share on social media.
In 2008, Congress passed a resolution designating March 11th as National Funeral Director and Mortician Recognition Day.