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National Donor Day

February 14, 2027

Observed each year on February 14th, National Donor Day (also known as  National Organ Donor Day) aims to increase awareness about organ donation and the lives it saves. In the United States, more than 120,000 people are waiting for a life-saving organ donation.

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Give the gift of Life.

The observance focuses on five different types of donations:  Organs – Tissues – Marrow – Platelets – Blood.  Many nonprofit health organizations sponsor blood and marrow drives and organ/tissue sign-ups across the nation. Approximately every two seconds, there is someone in the U.S. who needs blood, which translates to the need for over 41,000 daily donations.

Each type of donation saves lives. While we may be able to donate blood, platelets, tissue, marrow, and some organs at any time, most organs are donated upon death. A single donor can save up to 8 lives and help more than 75 people.

Some blood donors have been making donations as young as the age of 17. They can donate a pint of blood every 53 days. One pint of blood can save up to three people. If you’ve never thought about donation, you’re of the 17 percent of non-donors. However, only 37 percent of the population of the United States is eligible to donate blood.

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  • Sign up for blood donation.
  • If you’ve received the gift of an organ, tissue, marrow, platelets, or blood, share your story.
  • Look into becoming a donor. Visit donatelifenw.org and organdonor.gov for more information on organ donation.
  • Use #NationalDonorDay to post on social media.

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February 14, 2027
Event Category:


Spanning the Need
(330) 333-8550
View Organizer Website