National Columnists Day
April 18, 2029

National Columnists’ Day on April 18th honors all newspaper columnists and their contributions to the truth in black and white.
Columnists have the ability to inspire a plethora of emotions that often result in action. What many may not realize is that it is their intent. If their readers are not moved by their column, they have not done their job.
With their own flavor of humor or satire, some columnists lighten the mood or play a role. Others strictly provide us with a different perspective, hard facts and solid research. Whatever their style or approach, each columnist’s hard work connects them to the world.
Well-known columnists have certainly inspired ire and laughter at many a breakfast table. They poke fun and holes at political leaders while commenting on today’s gossip. Depending on their area of expertise, they may also share a little bit of gossip. Whether it’s about fashion, movies, politics, sports, business or family matters, columnists like Walter Winchell, Molly Ivins, Maureen Dowd, William Safire, Dave Barry and Ernie Pyle engaged readers with their wit and insight. Columnists spur debate and cause us to consider our positions.
- Celebrate by acknowledging all the people who do the research and write the columns that we read on reading each day.
- Share your favorite columnist or newspaper writer with a shout-out.
- Learn about Ernie Pyle, the war correspondent and newspaper columnist.
- Join the conversation on social media using #NationalColumnistDay.