April Fools Day
April 1, 2027

April Fools’ Day on April 1st has long been a day when practical jokes and tricks are played on the unaware. It’s a time when children convince their parents they’ve broken a bone. Parents get in on the planning, too. Classic April Fools’ jokes include caramel covered onions or fake doggy doo-doo in inconvenient places. Businesses launch impractical or unbelievable products for the fun of the day and newspapers print incredible headlines catching readers off guard.
Of course, the trick to a good April Fools’ prank is planning. And you also need to be the first to pull it off. There’s no point in pursuing your prank if someone else beats you to it. Once the foolery has been triggered, everyone else will be on high alert and the element of surprise will be lost.
Some practical jokers go to great lengths to pull off their ruse. The more people involved the greater the risk of being discovered before the great plan can be deployed.
- Prepare your best pranks and practical jokes.
- Share stories of your greatest April Fools’ jokes.
- Be safe playing your pranks and be sure to have a good laugh. It’s all in fun.
- Share your experiences being fooled and laugh while you reminisce.
- Use #AprilFoolsDay to post on social media.